CLG介绍 Challengeclg is an Ethereum BlockChain based CryptoCurrency which is used to mine CLG tokens for those people who use challengeclg Apps. For benefits of users,CLG can be converted to Bitcoin,Ethereum or other crypto using third party exchanges.
Challenge is a social media and e-commerce industry . This company opened in 01 June 2020. And the purpose of giving this company is to make money. The basic purpose of this company is that everyone can earn money by doing a little work at home. With this objective in mind, Challenge launched a Token which is called "Challenge" or "CLG" Token. You can earn money by earning this CLG Token. So it can be said that Challengeclg is moving towards Crypto-currency through social media and the E-Commerce industry. Anyone can buy a share at Challengeclg, he can do business. Challengeclg is giving everyone one opportunity to invest money and do business. There is no barrier when everyone works together. Work hard and it gets easier. In this initiative, Challengeclg is moving forward.
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